So it's been awhile since I've posted on this blog! Mostly because the busyness of life has caught up with me... and my SAS life is growing further into the past everyday. This honestly saddens me quite a bit. SAS has become such a HUGE part of my life. I miss so much about it... and often wish I was living that sailing-exploring-cultures life everyday again. But SAS is not something just of my past... no, it has affected my everyday living. It's amazing how differently I think now just because of one semester around the world. I can't even explain my thoughts any more because they have become so normal for me. Yet I get angry at how others think and see things because it is so narrow-minded and selfish. Oh, how traveling will affect how you think and live...
And so how has it affected me? I want to be a servant... I want to live a life that is beneficial to others... And I am drawn to this servant life in another culture... So... here it goes...
I will be doing voluntary service in Kathmandu, Nepal for one year!
This service opportunity is through Mennonite Central Committee's SALT (Serving and Learning Together) program. I will be teaching English at a multicultural Christian school and helping out at a church in the beautiful Himalayan-filled country nestled between China and India. This is my planned assignment... but I'm just excited to reincarnate into a new culture, embrace it, and let God use my gifts however is beneficial to the Nepalese culture. I start SALT orientation in Akron, Pennsylvania on August 12th and fly out to Nepal on August 19th, 2010! My SALT term ends at the end of July, 2011.
I will keep a blog for my year in Nepal. You can find it at:
I truly appreciate your dedication to my blog and look forward to sharing the Nepalese culture with you! Please come join me on my journey in Nepal!
I truly appreciate your dedication to my blog and look forward to sharing the Nepalese culture with you! Please come join me on my journey in Nepal!