working with Habitat for Humanity in South Africa

touring a township and 2 of our new friends :)

working on the Habitat house--- the lady is in the family that it is for.

working hard!

Habitat for Humanity in South Africa... before we started

children with Operation Hunger... we joined them after school and prepared/fed them their meal for the day... very humbling.

Squatter camps in South Africa... this is most of the population minus the extreme wealthy. 2 worlds in one country...

the Pre-school we visited

African penguins on Boulder Beach!

Cape Point! You are looking at the meeting point of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans!

Cape Peninsula coast in South Africa

the mountains of South Africa

I've been blessed with the most wonderful friends on SAS (and I mean really really blessed)! Clockwise starting on my right: Mary (glasses), Lizzy, Natalie, Aleks, and Tiffany

The view from our ship! Whoa! That's Table Mountain and Waterfront.

sunrise as we approached South Africa... That's the world-famous Table Mountain. Gorgeous!
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